Clearance & Exemption

Clearance and exemption of waste is core business for Studsvik.

We have experts which can advise on all aspects of clearance and exemption – from in-depth statistical sampling to in-situ monitoring and / or assay. Studsvik understands that efficient characterisation with accurate data will allow cost savings through waste diversion and programme acceleration.

Studsvik can provide the full range of expertise for clearance and exemption from provenance research to characterization and monitoring. Our services will ensure your decommissioning and waste management project is optimized through strategic planning, efficient techniques to minimize time delays and segregation of waste to maximize the volumes being released as exempt. This reduces costs and diverts waste away from precious disposal resources.

Studsvik have a wealth of experience of assessing whether waste is suitable for exemption, using the analytical results and limits specified within RS-G-1.7 (IAEA; Applications of the Concepts of Exclusion, Exemption and Clearance) alongside assessing monitoring results against specific surface clearance levels.

Our services include: