HELIOS-2 transport calculations may be performed with either a collision probabilities or Method of Characteristics solver. Resonance self-shielding is calculated via the subgroup method, with a transport-based Dancoff calculation.
The Flexibility You Need
The generalized geometry and computational options in HELIOS-2 allow the modeling of any imaginable fuel design. There are no restrictions on lattice or geometry types.
HELIOS-2 is capable of analyzing fuel used in bothc onventional and non-conventional civil nuclear reactor designs. It can perform complex physics calculations for non-LWR lattices (CANDU, PHWR, Magnox, RBMK) and experimental reactors, like MTR and TRIGA.
HELIOS-2 has also been used to analyze hundreds of cycles of VVER operation. Even non-standard fuel designs, such as curved plates and unstructured liquid or gas fuels, are easy to model/analyze in HELIOS-2.