
The Board reviews and adopts Group policies and guidelines. These are dealt with, in accordance with Board procedures, at the April meeting or, if the circumstances so require, at a different meeting. The President establishes guidelines and operative instructions based on the policies and guidelines adopted by the Board. The guidelines and operative instructions issued by the President mainly relate to financial reporting and IT.


All Studsvik personnel are to conduct company business in a legal and ethical manner. Studsvik must not use illegal payments, bribes, kick­backs or other questionable inducements to influence any business transaction. In addition, Studsvik employees must not directly or indirectly request, agree to receive or accept money or anything else of value, from any person or entity where it is designed to influence an action or to obtain an improper advantage.

Studsvik has a policy of zero tolerance of corruption.

Studsvik must always follow both Swedish legislation as well as local legislation. If there is a discrepancy the more strict legislation must be followed.

This policy applies to all of the company’s operations, including those conducted by any of Studsvik’s subsidiaries, agents, distributors, or other representatives and any joint venture in which Studsvik is a participant.

Studsvik is a knowledge-intensive service company active in the international nuclear technology market. With more than 75 years of experience, Studsvik is highly regarded and is seen as a leader in a number of areas within the nuclear technology market.

We strive to satisfy our customers’ needs and to deliver services and solutions that add significant value.

Our services are designed to minimise risk for our customers and the environment. We collaborate closely with our customers all the way from the development stage to operation.

Code of Conduct

Our aim is to run the business responsibly and in the best interests of our customers, investors, employees and other stakeholders.

The purpose of the Code is:

Sustainability Policy

Studsvik shall develop sustainable solutions for the nuclear industry, be an attractive employer for potential and existing employees and take responsible economic decisions that benefit our owners and, in that way, contribute to UN’s global goals for sustainable development. Sustainable development for Studsvik is the simultaneous focus on financial, environmental and social aspects.

The policies can be downloaded to the right.