Radioactive Waste Repositories

Studsvik provide full lifecycle support for repositories, from front-end planning to operational management.

We support developers design, and implement new repositories, and also help operators ensure disposal of radioactive waste protects the health and interests of people and the integrity of the environment, at the time of disposal and in the future.

Studsvik is a leading supplier of support services to radioactive waste repositories. Studsvik has many years experience supporting two world leading repository programs, SKB in Sweden (30+ years) and the UK’s Low Level Waste Repository (LLWR) since 2008.

We provide support across the repository lifecycle including:

We work with the site to provide international expertise to all phases of the facilities development to ensure best practice from across the globe is incorporated in to the programme. This minimises costly mistakes, ensures all disposals are carried out in a safe manner and builds confidence with the regulator that the design of the facility will meet the stringent safety criteria required to ensure public safety.