
China is the fastest growing nuclear market in the world. Studsvik has an office in Beijing which represents the company.

China is the largest growing nuclear market in the world, and Studsvik is developing and implementing plans to deploy its full range of offerings to Chinese customers.


Studsvik Engineering Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd

Level 26, Fortune Financial Center, No. 5, Central East 3rd Ring Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

Phone: +86 10 5775 0535

Fax: +86 10 5775 0350

Studsvik Scandpower / Fuel & Materials Technology
Oliver Tsaoi
VP Business Development Asia

Phone + 86 13524572096

Studsvik Consultancy Services

Mikael Karlsson
President, Consultancy Services

Phone: +46 155 22 1786
